What is your Lightsaber Color?
Find out the color of lightsaber you'd have by taking this short quiz!
- You're ambushed by a thief with a blaster, who demands for your money! What do you do?Whip out your lightsaber and prepare for a fight!Ask politely to talk this out. Maybe they have some empathy.Use a Jedi Mind-Trick to 'persuade' the thief to walk away.What thief? I shot them first.
- You're the Commander in a battle during the Clone Wars. Your close friend is trapped, in pain, and asking for help, but is not in any immediate danger. What do you do?Task your troops to rescue your friend while you charge into the battle!Get your Captain to take the lead while you attempt to rescue your friend.Tell them to hang on until you can find time to leave the battle.Ignore them. The war is more important than petty attachments.
- Which fighting style fits you best during combat?Acrobatic. Speed and flexibility during a fight help me get on top of the competition.Intuitive. Trust your feelings and sense out any incoming attacks.Defensive. Protect yourself and anyone around you at all costs.Agressive. Your rage helps you absolutely DEMOLISH the opponent.
- What is your greatest weakness to overcome?Your impatience.Loyalty of others.Inability to improvise.Being too emotional.
- You've begun your training as a Jedi. Which discipline is your focus?The Force. I want to learn all the different ways I can apply it to my work.A little of everything. Balance is key to everything in life.Diplomacy. I want to resolve conflicts without a weapon drawn.Combat abilities. I want to duel as best as I can, and knowing how would benefit me.
Discover the perfect lightsaber hilt based on your unique combat style and personality in this saber-themed quiz!